Posted by: trimitup | July 4, 2012

Hummingbird fun on the Fourth of July!

We have a hummingbird feeder in our patio and is quite fun to watch the little birds eat and then go down to the ground to tease our kitties.  Our cats don’t even try to catch them because they know the hummingbirds are faster than they are.

Floppy the hummingbird

The first photo is a bit blurry but wanted to show you this particular hummingbird……I named him floppy because he has a distinct floppyness to him when he flys.   Well he has decided that the feeder is his only and won’t let any other fellow hummingbirds feed from it. Not all the time mind you, but enough that we have not had to fill the feeder for a while. Hmmm!  He likes to rest on one of my cactus plants and just guard his territory.  Then when a bird tries to partake, the little guy goes in for the kill (not really,


Hummingbird (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

just shoos them away)

The other clear photo here is from an online gallery and looks just like the hummingbird (Floppy) in our patio.

Enjoy your independence day and every day…..Happy 4th of July!

 Happy knitting!


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